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Amish Country

Visiting the Pennsylvania Amish in Lancaster County

The Pennsylvania Amish of Lancaster County are America's oldest Amish settlement, where tens of thousands still live a centuries-old "Plain" lifestyle. Always a vital part of Lancaster County culture, the PA Amish are involved in agriculture as well as an array of businesses and cottage industries. Arriving in Amish Country allows you to step back in time to enjoy a slower, more peaceful pace – one where the horse & buggy remains a primary form of transportation, and where windmills dot the landscape, providing power harnessed from nature.

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Family riding in an Amish horse and buggy in Lancaster County, PA

Book online NOW for a tour through Amish farmland in a horse-drawn carriage!

Wind through Amish Country on a 5-Star Country Roads Excursion Tour

two amish horse and buggies pass a white farm building in lancaster

Explore Amish-owned businesses, farms, and scenic stays for an all-encompassing itinerary in Lancaster County. Find family-friendly events and Amish-made furniture for your home.

a horse pulls a buggy up hill through amish farmland in lancaster

Enrich your understanding of the Amish community on one of these educational Amish tours in Lancaster, PA.

Group riding a horse & buggy at Aaron & Jessica's Buggy Rides in Lancaster, PA
An Amish woman rides a bike beside stalks of corn.
Abe's Buggy Rides

Abe's Buggy Rides

At Abe's, enjoy a private tour - just you and yours - in a...

Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society

Mennonite Life

Experience the material beauty wrought by Lancaster...

People tour Lancaster via horse and buggy.

Where do the Amish live in Pennsylvania?

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, is home to the oldest and largest Amish community in the United States. Much of the Amish population in the Pennsylvania Dutch countryside reside and work in towns such as Bird-In-Hand, Intercourse, and Strasburg. However, just about anywhere in Lancaster you can find Amish people shopping, eating, and adventuring!

What is Amish Country famous for?

Pennsylvania's Amish Country is known for its beautiful landscapes of rolling hills and Amish farmland, as well as its slower pace of life and elements of the traditional Amish lifestyle, including transportation via horse and buggy, farming, and authentic Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine — like that found at the Bird-In-Hand Family Restaurant and Smorgasbord. Tours at the Amish Village offer an intimate glimpse into the day-to-day life, as well as the history and beliefs, of Pennsylvania's Amish communities.

What do Amish people believe?

The Amish follow the fundamental beliefs of Christian faith, but this group also upholds values such as simplicity, pacifism, and a separation from mainstream culture.

What do the Amish not allow?

Old Order Amish do not permit using electricity, motor vehicles, televisions, computers, and taking photographs.

What is the Amish lifestyle like?

The Amish people prioritize community and family values. Community church services and family businesses are just a couple of the common practices of the Amish lifestyle. For more information, explore our guide on the Amish lifestyle.

Do Amish people go to grocery stores?

Amish people are allowed to visit grocery stores, convenience shops, and supermarkets. However, Amish communities typically do not visit large chain stores.

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