Fasnacht Day Drive-Thru at Oregon Dairy2900 Oregon Pike
Lititz, PA 17543
United States
Fasnacht Day Drive-Thru at Oregon Dairy
March 4, 2025
5:30 AM
–10:00 AM
This year, The Market at Oregon Dairy is making it super convenient to pick up fresh made fasnachts on Tuesday, March 4th by offering a drive-thru pickup under the carport from 5:30 am - 10 am!
Oregon Dairy's Fasnachts are available in Plain, Powdered, and Glazed and priced at $6/half dozen and $12/dozen. Order online and come to our drive-thru to pick them up. You don't even have to get out of your car!
Half dozen and dozen packs will be available for sale under the carport for those that do not pre-order. Payment will be accepted by cash or card.
Located in the heart of Lancaster County, Fasnacht Day is a huge holiday for the bakery at Oregon Dairy. We're preparing to make over 15,000 fasnachts just on Tuesday, March 4th. If you can't make it during our drive-thru, we will have fasnachts available in The Market throughout the day.
For this special day, The Market will open at 6am for anyone that needs to grab some of our famous chocolate milk to pair with your fastnachts!
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